After an animation film such as “Appuntamento a Belleville”, the only possible reaction is screaming. A cosmic scream: stoooop!
This extraordinary elderly woman, with her dog-guardian angel, heavily fallen in a neocapitalistic apocalypse, are filled with a roaring ethics.
Stop. Stop to a Pope-icon; not the icon of the crucified Christ, but of the attachment to power, hymned as a cross, but fibrilled by a lost Nobel.
Stop to a Shoah, in the name of which the chosen kill the poor, the real chosen. Stop to the first american deaths, that cannot shake, not even them, a country, author, today, of the most bloody democracy in the world.
Hurrah for madam Souza. Hurrah for her incredible grandson Champion, parentsless, but not orphan of our hope. Obstinate, vital and believer. In democracy as a political humanism.

Priest Dr. Franco Ratti

Reported by

  •  The weekly “Events” of 24-30 October 2003
  • The weekly “Monopoli Week” of October 22nd 2003
  • The magazine “Portanuova” – November 2003
  • The magazine “Sulla Strada” – December 2003

This article is available in Italian too