The MO.CO.VA. (II Vatican Council Movement) is enthusiastic for the article written by Hans Kung, published on the Corriere della Sera, on Easter Saturday 2005.

We are very close to the sufference of the man Karol Wojtyla, but very distant from the reactionary positions of the Pope John Paul II.

The MO.CO.VA. agrees with Hans Kung, the great theologian of the catholic dissent: this papacy has been the betrayal, in its intentions and facts, of the II Vatican Council; that is, it has been a disaster.

Moreover the MO.CO.VA. takes the distances from the most reactionary catholic groups, the ones seeking power, like Opus Dei, Comunione e Liberazione, Legionari di Cristo, for whom the Gospel is only waste-paper.


Issued on:

  • The newspaper “Corriere dell’Irpinia” 30th March 2005
  • The magazine “Sulla Strada” n. 61 – March 2005
  • “Telenostra” 30th March 2005 (8.30 and 11.30 p.m.)
  • www.cdbitalia.it

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