While on the screens before Christmas Harry Potter stands out and sparks and our children dream of spiders and basilisks, iraqi children of their same age have real and realistic nightmares.
“Muggles”, holders of merely anagraphic humanity, not allowed to enter Hogwarts school, the school of magic and dream.
They applauded the massacre of 3000 newyorkers like their young palestinian friends, but their “Hosanna” flooded with terror. The same terror of gulls outraged and soiled by the “Prestige”.
Ours is a “Prestigious” system, blathering human rights but ditching human lives. Yesterday in the name of God and dictatorship, today in the name of laicality and democracy, we break the abyss, and whispering, proclaim god the Serpent.

Priest Dr. Franco Ratti

Reported by     

  • The “Libero” newspaper of December 13, 2002     
  • The “Corriere dell’Irpinia” newspaper of 15 December 2002     
  • The newspaper “Il Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia-Bari” of December 15, 2002     
  • The newspaper “La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno” of December 16, 2002    
  • The weekly “Events” of December 20, 2002     
  • The magazine “Portanuova” – January 2003

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