Monday 12th November 2007

“Spiritus latet in litera”: Lutero.


Works are faith body.


The Scripture is, more than church, “mater et magistra”.


Christ, historically and culturally, has still to show Himself completely.


Christ’s richness have not been investigated yet.


Bilocation is a missionary means.


Every situation is fraught with God, everything is mother of God.


Jesus, You Love, me nothing.


One can be justified by faithful faith and by intellectual faith (Jesus is Son: God, as Logos, became flesh).


Justified or “been”, let be.


For him God was much really the Trinity.


He forgave who had slandered him, while dying he covered him with gifts and love.


P.Pio lived as biologically dead, yet as a means of grace and graces.


“He is away from town”: the sharp and mendacious answer of a priest to a moribund man, who wanted to be confessed by the Carthusian.


A historian who about p. Pio, talks of carbolic acid without knowing its cultural use, is he a historian? Being limited only to the documents is imbecility.


Even autistics in details are rigorous.

This article is available in Italian too