Monday 28th January 2008

Mother of Messianic Star,

You star of the Ocean Yourself.


The Lord loosened his mooring to the land more and more, preparing him to the blessing Meeting. For almost all the men the moment of death is very difficult, for the senses, the body, the soul, for the spirit itself used to get to God through things and into things. It is about “new land and skies”, such a different dimension, to seem antagonist. God’s friends go through this thick wall, this bronze door in one go. They die in the living Kiss. Their death, in the spirit, is power, rapture, ecstasy, exodus, resurrection.


The praying lady, asked by the novice about her health, answered him: my soul is in the darkness, but my spirit shines.


Most glad definition of the Lover’s death. As, in a very special way, about Jesus’ death, the Lover of Lovers.


Sudden death is horrible, because it is horrible to depart from the body without any preparation. And agony is, in a way, such a preparation. But it is not enough. The whole life is necessary. It is necessary spirituality, ascesis, metaphysic tension.

Today’s culture, wealthy and materialistic, throws its victims on the death knees and the sudden Mystery, violently and cruelly, because they are equipped for the Nothingness and protected against the Being. So the meeting with Light becomes a fight, the intercourse a rape, the light becomes blindness, Love horror.


Christian faith, without mystics, the experience of the Holy Spirit and the human spirit, does not prepare to the meeting, neither here nor anywhere. Christian culture must become spirit nurturing, of the Holy Spirit and the personal spirit. Welcome to inter-human solidarity, starting from the shining reality of the Divine Spirit. The Divine is not generic, it is the Three Divine Lovers. Their experiential discovery, theologically anthropologically talked about, is the Divine Lever of the world. Personalism and pluralism burst out, justice and love, environmentalism and peace. Without the Three, perceived tasted intercoursed,       there is no salvation. No authentic Jesus-logy, no real Christology, no prophecy, no vision, no future, not even ash. Without Them the Abyss floods out and rages and men flounder among the waves of Nothingness. Without Them, lived and preached, beyond a stale and tasteless terminology (see: Father, Son, Holy Spirit), without the presumptuousness of updating it, but projecting it imaginatively, scanning the fire and the power with new formulas, well without Them we are alone, we are solitude.


The church is blind before such a Splendor, because it loves itself desperately and hates the Cross.


The Shoah is only the scandal in the scandal of the second world war.

Towards God not only the victims’ blood but also the criminals’ blood shouts.

Towards God our incommensurable stupidity shouts, our apocalyptic inability of being rational.


A historical-novel dream close to the «Day of the Memory», 27th January 2008. Into the Parisian underground a black-haired lady, tall and elegant, according to the austere and sober fashion of the 40’s. Intuitively Jewish. A fascist official, in civilian clothes, asks her documents. She, more times asked, more times sweetly silent. The official, who has understood her identity, amazed by her, not to arrest her, took a poke at her left cheek. And he goes away. The underground stops opening. A lady enters to help her, and immediately understands the event.

This article is available in Italian too