Monday 3rd March 2008

God is Alfa, Path, Omega. Alfa or Principle or Father. Path or Christ. Omega or final End or Holy Spirit.


The tires sang on the road burnt by the sun, while the Carthusian melted in the Fire of the Three Lovers.


“Abbà”: cried the Carthusian, cried the whole human kind. The Carthusian, in Eucharistic communion, had become human kind. And this had become Carthusian.


Song and fire.


24th September 1982. The prayer writes:

“Here in front of Jesus I promise you that in the Silence and Love of Jesus Crucified,       in the Silence and Love of Jesus Eucharist, in communion with the Virgin, our Mother, Maria the Blessed, in prayer and Love I will follow you wherever you go, bringing in the deep of my heart one only desire, that holds in it all the desires of the Father: that the Holy Spirit of God turns You in Jesus, in the same Jesus that for teaching the men the Path, the Truth and the Life to get to the Father, was Crucified by them.

This is loving You with the Heart and the Love of Jesus Christ.”


21st April 1978. The novice, before becoming assistant of p. Riccardo Lombardi, ill, receives this prophecy by the prayer of Turin, unaware of the meeting:

“Even if the Lord will give you the bread of affliction and the water of trouble, however he will not hide your master anymore.

Your eyes will see your master and your ears will hear: this is the way, walk along it (Is 30,20).”


9th July 1982. The advocate Armando Ricca, prophet within the Turin Charismatic Renewal, writes to the novice the word he was given by Jesus:

“I love you, but you do not love Me the way I want you to do, because you still love your idols. Contemplate My cross and put all of you, your mind, your heart, your intellect in My wound chest.

I will give you the intelligence to understand the idols you have to leave, cut and throw in the brazier of My love. After that and after doing it, I will give you the wisdom no other creature will have and the people will come to you to draw this wisdom.”

This article is available in Italian too