Monday 4th December 2006

Ethics is pure anthropological dimension, not necessarily religious.

Man is an animal ethics. Although an atheist.

God reveals love and wants love this, this is just the ethics of Christ. Ethics as problem comes to light dell’interrogativo fundamental: how to translate the love?

On closer between a loving polygamy and monogamy I love there is no substantive difference.

The church does not have the courage to proclaim the conclusions of its implicit assumption: the gayness disorder is “objective”. Ergo gays are the children of Satan, the Dis-ordinator. If the church say it explicitly, it would make the assumption in-credible.

We collections of moments.

The invisible, the visible appears.

The invisible is visible only to his eyes.

We are crepuscular beings, evolving toward the dawn.

One day we will finally offer a view.

You can love only if you guide a beginning and an inner instinct, which we Christians call the Holy Spirit.

You can love in concrete with only the love of the living God, it becomes our spirit and our substance.

This article is available in Italian too