Christmas brings me to think the following about birth:

  1. All men are conceived and born innocent, although able to sin.
  2. Our children, before receiving baptism, are already in grace, because God loves them.
  3. There is no original sin. It was invented by S. Agostino, in the V century A.D.
  4. Jesus embraced children without baptizing them, because he considered them to be innocent.
  5. The baptism of children (absolutely non acceptable in a democratic society that respects religious freedom) does not wipe out the mythical original sin, but it is the celebration of the love of God.

Priest Dr. Franco Ratti

Reported by     

  • The newspaper “Corriere dell’Irpinia” of 18 December 2002     
  • The newspaper “Ottopagine” of December 31, 2002     
  • The newspaper “Il Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia-Bari” of 2 January 2003     
  • The magazine “Il Borgo” – January 2003     
  • “Prima Tivvù” of December 17, 2002 (2:00 pm and 6:00 pm)

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