Saturday 13th December 2008

Tuesday 2nd December. 2,40 a.m.. A sudden resounding attack by Satan. The tongue is almost paralyzed, unable to even stammer the name of Jesus.


Wednesday 3rd December. 5,15 p.m. On the way Ceglie-Ostuni suddenly an overtaking car comes out from a bump, against the prophet’s one. In a split second a fatal collision is avoided. The Immaculate is great.


Friday 5th December. 7,50 a.m. He was taken violently above the stars, in the sight of God. He did not see Him but felt Him with all his heart. Taken not outside his body but within it. Taken above and beyond the high. Mystically, incomprehensibly.





Mary of Nazareth is a mine of mystical graces. Those who find her in Christ are covered with authentic mystical jewels by Her.





Wednesday 10th December, Madonna of Loreto. A morning dream. A killer young lady, bringing a knife, falls down in a funnel with an upside down. Amanda Knox the author of the crime in Perugia?





Bramble-bush of God

Among the brambles in the world

Sweet like light

Bride of hope






The dead in God intercede for those who have loved upon the earth.





If God could intercede for us men, He would be glad to. But His Love for us is already virtually intercession. The way it is already virtually pain. The way God, Pure Act, is virtually Impure Act. That is virtually in Christ.





Luigi Borriello: “Mystics are all enthusiasts who live the tragedy of cosmic conscience, suffer because the cosmos is in the wrong place, it does not live in the life of God. Those are borderless people, who follow impracticable paths, always unsatisfied because they miss something, someone. Not things but people. Mystics are thirsty for people given back to themselves, their own life, their own truth, their own dignity, their own fullness”.

This article is available in Italian too