Saturday 17th November 2007

I disagree with the dearest cardinal Martini, who writes: “there is a voice inside everyone of us that makes us doubt about God”. No, no: there is a voice inside everyone of us that makes us deny God.

The contrary is anachronism.


The genetic mother of men? A unicellular alga present on Earth for over a billion years. The Chlamydomonas reinharti. Discovered by an international group of 115 scientists. One of the most widespread fresh water green algae: it lives in the soil, in ponds, in puddles. It shares with us a third of the 15 thousand genes.


Many men think reason feel live like demons.


Mary, queen of God’s heart.


Reality, in the immediate, is difficult, “deeply” dual (physical-metaphysical), “intimately” Trinitarian.


Reality is plural because it takes part in the Trinitarian Plurality.


Trust in God increases the trust in men and things. Trust in men and things prepares to trust in God. If there is no horizontal trust, there is no vertical trust.

Without the faith in men and things there cannot be faith in God. Kunghian suggestion. “Ratzian” anti-phrase.


Millions of Iraqi killed: the gift of democracy to Iraq.

This article is available in Italian too