Saturday 24th January 2009

The archbishop Fisichella takes issue with Obama’s pro-abortion choices: “Being able to listen to all the demands of the Country without being closed into the ideological visions of whom, having the power, thinks to make decisions about life and death”. Own goal.


Friday 23rd January 2009. Ostuni. 1,42 p.m. Word of the Spirit: “And you, Obama, will bloom but will not fructify”.


Friday 23rd Januray 2009. Pier of Torre Canne. His soul was getting into a radical contemplative phase: the enjoyment of the Uni-Trinitarian Sun. he started to know brightly (or to see tastily) three Most personal suns as a unique Most personal sun. Three relative Personalities unified by the absolute Personality.

It was not an intellectual vision, but a vital perception to which the spirit was blossoming.

The only image that could properly describe the Object was the Sun.


The Carthusian had longed to see the Trinitarian Persons for years onto the earth. The grace of graces was passably fulfilling, powerfully, overwhelmingly.


It is necessary to dig up the word euthanasia from its improper semantemes: final solution and cult of death. Invented by a church  that is much smart linguistically (see “natural right”).

Euthanasia or nice death. Euthanasia or good death. According to the Greek etymon.


Case Eluana Englaro. Mercedes Bresso, governor of the Region Piemonte,  to cardinal Poletto: “We live in a republic of ayatollahs, where the religious right is a prize over the civil right”.


The Hammock

Thanks to Mercedes Bresso for the dignity and the clearness of her words in defense of the laity of the State (it was about time that someone, in the Pd party, had a straight back before the cardinals, treating them as equals, as citizens, the way it is in a democracy). But also thanks to the cardinal of Turin Poletto for the sincerity with which he has finally stated (islamically) what today makes the Italian Church so menacingly careful to its liberty and so serenely careless to others’ liberty. “For a believer – said Poletto – the laws of God are more important than those of State”. In the name of this “major importance”, we are then free to consider as not binding those laws and principles that have a value for all the others, and mainly for those people who are ethically dimidiati that is those who are not Christian. A law that is the same for everyone (the law of the State) is considered by Vatican hierarchies as “less important” than certainly respectable precepts, but made objectively partial by its confessional nature itself. Taking advantage of the cardinal Polett’s honesty, I have finally understood what the problem is: for those who have my same ideas, the laws of the State, however modest historical stratifications of tiring social processes, are much more “universal” than the laws of the Church. That, as a legislating subject, is less democratic and less representative than the most approximate of the Parliaments. As far as God is concerned: nothing to do about Him.

Michele Serra


Of the then theologian Poletto the Carthusian remembers his Dantean and intrusive nose,  prophecy of the universal and local being-intrusive of the two lovers of east and west. A phallic nose. Or a nasal phallus. A Pole nose, a German phallus. A German nose, a Pole phallus. A Turinese vagina. A vaginese nose.

This article is available in Italian too