Saturday 24th October 2009

Friday 23rd October. 02,15 a.m. The Angel-screamer:

Berlusconi is dead.

Extraordinary edition of the Corriere della Sera



S.Ignazio of Loyola talked about angelical purity. The Carthusian about angelical trust. Absolute trust, unconditioned in God. Pure and deep faith in the Prodigy, together with the discernment of which Angels overflow.



Attending the Angels made the Carthusian more fervid in the sense of God, more lively and nicer in the contact with men.



This diary will be a cult.



The church that announced the Faith but actually worshiped the Measure, scorned the Carthusian.



All the men are united thanks the only human nature and, mainly thanks to the only intrinsic Logos.



God has to exist.



Job protested against the physical suffering of good people. Modern man, rightly, against physical suffering tout court.



Saturday 24th October. 05.00 a.m. Those who are purifying themselves beg Jesus. Their voice is powerful. Their song a tenor one.


Inside us



Some monsignors of the town were export in tearing tears and money to the dead person’s relatives, during the sermon of the funeral.

This article is available in Italian too