Saturday 25th February 2006

Against biblical fundamentalism: “My words are spirit and life”.

He preferred Thomas optimism than Augustine.

The expression “Son of God” is anthropomorphic and mythological (Greek mythology). Its real sense is the expression “God from God, Light from Light, real God from real God” of the Credo.

Virgilio Melchiorre had educated him to the symbolic structure of the real.

He was a non-violent, even a pacifist.

The dream of a kind of church is universal theocracy. Spirit is a sword: it will kill.

One tends to be laxist with himself. Only self-violent people conquer the Reign.

God loved Mary of Nazareth. From this love the Son was born, their Son.

Clearness, simplicity, deepness, brevity of Thomas were his joy.

The more you grow up in grace, the more you depend on God and Mary.

This article is available in Italian too