Saturday 27th January 2007

Death is actually exalting: entering a new dimension. New ideas, new faces, new horizons. But mainly the Idea, the Face, the Horizon.


God was taking everything away from him only to give him All: His Name.


In exercising the most unlikely gifts Unum est necessarium.


Everything, compared to Everything is only a part.


The Son and the Spirit: the two projections of Abraham’s God.


Mystic death is Baptism taking place.


The gift of the tears is linked to mystic death. Existential tears, tears of human angels.


The gift of the tears, in its sublime form, is the fruit of the beatific vision.


The centre of Sermo montanus is not the Beatitudes, but the Lord’s Prayer.


The Dies irae, calamitatis et miseriae makes a sense only for the selfish ones; for the generous and the believers and non believers, Maranatha does.

This article is available in Italian too