Saturday 31st March 2007

Only a cold church disdains Mary’s teardrops and the blood of those with stigmata.

Only a hard-hearted church disdains the Spirit and Its demonstrations.


God suffers in a sublime way.


If God is Love, He is happiness.

If God is Love, He is unhappiness.


The Mother of Jesus accompanied him in his silent way towards the official Passion.


He instinctively defended life and rationality form the attack of Passion in his flesh, his heart, his spirit.


The charisma of is the anticlericalism He himself generated.


God suffers as God, not as a man.


“Blessed are those who cry” because God Himself “cries”.


From the biblical com-passion of God it is necessary to evolve to the meta-biblical Passion of God.


We are rescued in order to rescue. Mainly Mary, rescued, becomes a rescuer in Jesus


The suffering Slave of Isaiah is not only the icon of Christ crucified, but thanks to Him and in Him our icon is more true. Our wounds, in the Love that is Him, heal the human kind.


We heal the others thank to Love, not thanks to the pain. But Love gives birth to pain.


Of God you can only think and talk in a paradoxical way.

This article is available in Italian too