Saturday 6th May 2006

We should be available to suffer all human sufferance and together all their hopes and illusions. To be really human. Even to commit their sins, remaining innocent.


My god, my God, why did you abandon Yourself?


When the prophet makes an issue his heart is broken.


When you Love, you suffer for not Loving more. When you Love, you suffer for not Loving with no measure.


My God, I thank You, for revealing to me, “flesh”, unworthy of that. I have known You even if in an  infinitesimal measure. It has broken me down, I went in fear for my life.

I have experienced You. As a man, what can I long for, if not for watching You. “Watch You”: what does it mean? Only watching You I can give myself the answer.


At the sanctuary of San Giovanni Rotondo, suddenly, he felt Jesus in his heart and father Pio chatting with him: he was called “intellectual”. With a certain kind of sarcasm. What he heared, quite particular, slowly in time weighted his personality in a new way.


Being as intuitive as children and reasoning as adults. Amazement and brain: pléroma (divine perfection).


11 September: a new Pearl Harbor, this time an infamous one.


At Monte Sant’Angelo he clearly and suddenly saw in himself the Archangel of the Gargano, on his knees in front of God, while the huge wings covered the earth lovely, as a protection against the Evil.


The novice Jesuit sent to the cardinal the first catholic woman priest, consecrated by him. It was not a sacramental act but a prophetic one: it declared, in a perspective and not immediate key, God’s will on the catholic church. After this act the prophet put himself in the shadow, as usual.

This article is available in Italian too