Sunday 12th December 2010

Wednesday 8th December 2010. Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Morning. His brother wakes up shocked by a most vivid dream: a tomb and outside of it the prophet, who invites him to paint its base in gold. The Dna of the vision is patent: the prophet’s death is about to come, who is at the same time outside of the tomb, in the glory (gold) of God and the men.

That afternoon, at about 5, on the clean bottom of the toilet, only used for “liquid” reasons, a very big piece of shit. Soon after the demons giggle: “Guess? guess. Who made a havoc?”.

The Immaculate Conception day the carthusian wakes up greeted by:

Dick prophet


You are impossible



You are immortal

You are a god

You are a martyr

Do not write, do not write, do not write

You are alive and a whole

Red flag

You are a dickhead

You are a coyote

You are a big boy now

Vaccinated by God and the men

You are an adult prophet

You are going to change team and method
You are a dead

You are a monster

You are a minister

You support the left wing

You are a pessimist prophet

You are a saint

You are a great saint


Blame, blame

Kiss, kiss

A kiss, a kiss

“Eunuch”: you are a stupid if you do not to take profit of sex. “Red flag”: you are on the left side. “You are a coyote”. Mammal similar to the wolf, with a long and mournful barking. It cannot be tamed like the prophet, mournful like the prophet. “You are going to change team and method”: the demons promise and threaten a change in people and method. “Kiss, kiss. A kiss, a kiss”: the demons incite the prophet to look for some affection, proposing themselves as the ideal partners from this point of view.

The phenomenic Nature (various)

Has to be distinguished

From the noumenon Nature, deep, unitarian

Go with the Cristic Logos

The Natural Law (in noumenon sense)


He, the Logos

The demons do not give a truce:

Medjugorje is in the shit

You are a fabulous god


Rolando is fucked

“Crucified”: you have the foible, the “fad” of the Cross. “Rolando is fucked”. “Rolando”: a friend priest. “Fucked”: to hell.

To God

You can go

Through the reason made intelligence

Through intelligence made love

That is Fusion

With the Object- Subject super eminent

The technological Imagination


the queen of the human faculties

the most scientific faculty

those who order

those who obey


only the One who loves

is simple

the phenomenic Nature


object of the Analogy

the law of the postponements and the relationships

the relationship of the relations

the noumenon Nature, instead


object of Empathy and Sympathy

of Super analogy and Dis- analogy together

the phenomenic Nature


object of the Senses

the noumenon Nature


the terminal of Faith, praying and embracing

Thoughts scribbled on a paper, just awaken. Among yelling demons.

The demons name his nephew, Nicola. Some days after his car is burnt. The fire: their signature. But he escapes unharmed.

This article is available in Italian too