Sunday 13th December 2009

Prophecy of Armando Ricca

9 September 1980

I have made you light of the peoples and salvation of My people
I have given you the key to My Kingdom
You will open to all those who will come to you

“For a journey of the moon”

From the 1979 Armando Ricca prophecy

… You will shear them of their filthy fleece
and you will make your bed
and you will endure the stench that will emanate
for a journey of the moon

“For a journey of the moon”. That is especially at night (“moon”) and in bed (“bed”) you will expire in Christ the sins of men.

Mary is present in a special way to the historical sacrifice of Jesus. And in a special way to His Eucharistic sacrifice.

In all his bones the Carthusian felt a virtual sinner, continually saved by the Mercy of God.


Friday, December 5, 2008. Hours 7.50

To bed. It was impetuously transported above the stars
in the presence of God
He did not see it but he perceived it with all of himself
Carried not outside of one’s body
but with his own body
Transported upwards and above the top

This article is available in Italian too