Sunday 18th November 2007

Resurrection expresses the infinite immortality of the Word made flesh.


Everything pulsates from the Father, everything pulses towards the Father.


Reality, all of it, is the case that contains the Lover.


Oh solar Word, things are Your moon carnation.


Earth, open and reveal the Face to me.


His destiny was going to explode worldwide, but the Lover would never allow its obscuration because it would promptly take him with Himself.


Jesus, Your will is mine.


Demons flourish in the land of instincts and men’s ideas.


Their sphere of influence does not miss anything about the man.


One can be possessed, in the instincts and ideas, without having the mere appearance of it.


Demon peculiarity is extinguishing faith and love. Pervading without appearing.


Wojtyla and Ratzinger’s church has got bogged in its own. And in the politic adulation of right and left wings.

Its yard, its deck,  its hull sparkle with shit.


Unconscious bilocation is a preparation for conscious bilocation. The nightly vision is preparation to the daytime vision.

Infact there is an old and new testament even in the spirit things.


Christ educates His friends for His future gifts, that, otherwise, would be unbearable and messing.


Churches, islands of sky and commitment, in the middle of history storms.


By then all the “dead” got in touch with him revealing him their spiritual condition and predicting the future.

This contact, hard at first, became more and more congenial to him.


Jesus wanted to give him bilocation in an astonishing way.


Jesus, in life, in death, in the resurrection, in the Eucharist is for the others, for all the others.


Intellectual Ecstasy before the much glorious Trinity.


He often contemplated Jesus on the Father’s right side with passion.


Yes, his spirituality, Christ-centric, focused on Jesus on the Father’s right side, not on the Cross, that, though much present, was not central.


Under the burden of Glory the heart could not manage.


Be happy, mother of Jesus, and make me happy.

This article is available in Italian too