Sunday 25th November 2007

His father was socialist and poet. On the saddles, carved by him, women with wavy hair stood and laughed.


He loved her of a tender strong and innocent love, she, a shell abandoned on the beach in the heart of the Ocean.


His life, become a sequence of Christ, was very hard but consoled abundantly and, mainly, directly by God.


Still some hesitation on the mount Nebo, before embracing omega horizon.


His life went on towards the end, and at the end, would explode flowers and fruit.


God had become his essence, better, his essence’s essence.


I want to show you the Beloved. It is dark like the night, monstrous like the sun.


You can adhere to God making His external, but mainly internal will.

In His will His Name, His Face, His Glory.


Through His will the ego meets the Ego Sum.


In “dreams” a steam of energy invaded him. He was afraid of it, but promptly decided to let himself go. He received a wonderful embrace. It was his mother.

This article is available in Italian too