Sunday 3rd September 2006

There is no original sin. There’s only sin altogether. Always. An anthropological constant.

The life of a rat is measured in months; the life of the earth in ages. Sky National Geographic.

We are divided between af-farismo and farismo, our two headlights.

It prevails over all the lightning. Heraclitus.

The Spirit of the Lord is the Lord.

Dialogue ontological analogy of being the global dialogue, the dialogue Trinitarian dialogue with men and things.

Jesus did not beatified nor the church nor the state nor the family, but only the poor.

The poor are the rhetorical ornament of a church and opulent consumerist.

Grace did not lose ever, it is unfortunately just not.

God is faithful, the unfaithful man.

After abused “identity” rather than of “likeness”, reminiscent of the Hebrew word “image”.
The analogy, and not the identity drastic, is the universal law.

Mother of God, intercede with me.

Leibniz love means to enjoy the happiness of others. The Carthusian: to love is to fight for the happiness of all.

This article is available in Italian too