Sunday 5th October 2008

God can be much affectionate. Divinely.


The Carthusian described the sense of the satanic experience of the 4th October (skeleton and skull) referable as the following threatening: I will torment you erotically until your death.


Over that experience the perfume of a singular gift drifted, in the occasion of the prophet’s name day, by Jesus. Who had revealed the hidden intention of the enemy (“from behind”, “at his back”). And foreseen his coming death.


Lord , let me be You so everybody can be You.


His life had become a Pentecostal impulse.


What a difference between the dusty sandals of the apostles and the shiny shoes of Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer.


Nowadays Jesus would not knock over the tables and stalls of the merchant of the temple but the wardrobes of the liturgical clothes and the chalices. It is necessary to go back to domestic liturgy. Big Bang.

This article is available in Italian too