Sunday 6th August 2006


Karl Barth: “Leben ist loben” (life is praise).

I believe in neurophysiology: the emotions are very intelligent.

It ‘s ridiculous to speak of spirit in absolute opposition to matter. The spirit is the eschatology of matter, its fruit and its overcoming.

A faith that enlighten the reason and let yourself be enlightened by reason here is the true enlightenment.
A faith that does not let light or, worse, not tolerate being illuminated by reason is fundamentalism.

Luther: “Fides facit personam”.

“Seducer” is the secret name of God. Known only to the great mystics.

The Himalayan blue poppy.

The more you are immersed in God, the more we returned to reality, which in turn refers to God. Re-circle mystical-realistic.

Even the Spirit must confess: “God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God”.

Husserl in his “Cartesian Meditations” distinguishes between the physical body and organic body.
I, with greater linguistic relevance, I would distinguish between the physical body and subjective body.
The physical body is sometimes suffered and suffered. We are to transgenderism.

The body of the spiritual father in the big room of the seminary of Rivoli dark, gave off light.
The major seminarians, intellectuals, in the odor of theological science, admitted the evidence.
A few months earlier, during the morning meditation, the “godfather” he had told us: “Our Lady told me that will get me in May.”. In May he came in Eden.

The novice, in the dark, in loving conversation with Jesus in the tabernacle, he asked: “When are you coming to get me?”.
He was told: “The Eighth Day.”. The novice ignorant lemma and meaning.

How many in the church know the narrow inner Love Lover?

This article is available in Italian too