Sunday 8th January 2006

The charismatic Christian is an enthusiastic and a thinker. Never a bossy. An enthusiast of God and of all values.

A wooden body, static, informal Ratzinger’s one. He’s a subject, not an ego.

Semantic apophony. After Ratzinger an heterosexual can’t say: I am deeply straight, because that would mean: I’m straight only in the deep.

Ratzinger’s mixture: kindness, hardness of heart, toughness of mind. Kindness, no delicacy.

He contemplated the sea. The sea was no longer itself: it was Fire.

He saw himself: it was straight. The rest, cattolicistico and misogynist, was to be deconstructed.

“I consecrate you, prophet and antagonist of Satan.” Those words were the Word. The neoprophet died for months.

“I was consacrated prophet. Why me, monopolitan, italian, catholic, priest, especially?” “Because genetically and spiritually jew” the thinking Thought replies.

The doctrine of indulgences. A medieval thing.

Canonizations have to be only evangelical. The Catholic Church would willingly canonize the same who crucified Christ, as supplied with “heroic virtues”.

Pearls will chew up swines.

This article is available in Italian too