Thursday 12th October 2006

A rich hardly saves. And a church rich, streaming media?

It is saved in the Catholic Church? For God’s mercy.

“There are those who say Lord, but he who does the will of My Father he is saved.” And who says Pope instead of the Lord?

Islam says God, Catholicism says Pope.

Verbose, conceptually rich, crusader Cardinal Patriarch of Venice.

The internal evidence of the divinity of Jesus, through His resurrection, is greater than the problem of his failure to return to the first generations.

If you look back, stumbling into the future: the subtitle of an old Italian German film.

Suffering is not God’s gift. It is only his acceptance.

If suffering was a gift from God, heaven would be an orgy of suffering.

Christ, I thirst to understand You.

You are my Life in the mental sense.

This article is available in Italian too