Thursday 14th January 2010

Verbal assaults:


Scrapped by God

You are alone

You are an outlaw

They will kill you

Come out from the Government


“You are an outlaw” that is you are an outlaw of the ecclesial community. “Come out from the Government” that is from the will of God who rules over history.


Devices: cancelled the shrill sound of the doorbell. The assistant forced to wait. Softening of all the voices inside a place full of life.


The carthusian cannot react to the obsessive Voices and the Noises discrediting them as Unreality. Scornfully, intellectually, with a mental strategy of Tibetan book of the dead. The prophet had tried this approach but after one hour he was exhausted. Only the Name of Jesus gave him peace and strength.


Tuesday 12th January 2010. Night clattering. 11 o’clock. Dreadful and long yell of a 25 year old girl. Who? The demons with an obsessive rhythm:


He forgot it

He forgot it

He forgot it ……


Despite the sensation of madness

I gladly tell you


I am thirsty of souls

For You


Afternoon of the 12th . Sudden gush of cheerfulness from deep inside of him.


We are called in Christ to offer the others not only our life but even our death. So they can be redeemed from the sin and Satan. Mainly deified. Trinified.


The authors of Jesus’ death are historical. The deep and occult author is meta-intra-historical: Satan.


The carthusian for the first time with a surprising not to be missed simple hardness understood that the Holy Spirit Santo is the Friend. And as a Friend his Confident.


He was thrown the Eskimo by an invisible demon that begged him to go back existentially.

Think about it, only once


The demons interfere  even with his daily relational life inventing phonetical and visive situations. But Jesus gives the carthusian plenty of ready perceptiveness.


The demons with the carthusian showed a very modern Italian language.


Their voice was always male, better virile.


The carthusian felt in himself this kind of bilocation: falling asleep suddenly, going, acting, going back in the body, waking up. The operative style of God in sleeping Adam.  Waiting for Eva.


Only a secularized church can talk of “Person” instead of “incarnated Spirit”.

This article is available in Italian too