Thursday 16th April 2009

Benjamín Forcano: “…for the most part of its history, the Church has been a place of free expression. Today nobody would think that a sweet Saint like Antonio da Padova could preach in public that, while Christ had told Peter “feed my sheep”, the bishops of his time  milked and sheared them. Or that the mystic Saint Bernardo could write to the Pope to tell him he didn’t seem Peter’s successor but Constantine’s, and ask him: “Did Saint Peter or Saint Paul do this or that? With how much zeal ecclesiastics defend their power!”. To end up saying: “They become indignant against me and force me to shut up, saying that a mink mustn’t judge the bishops. But I would rather close my eyes not to see what I see”…Just commenting this kind of words, the present pope wrote in 1962 (in an article titled “Liberty of spirit and obedience”): “Is it a sign that times have improved the fact that today’s theologians do not talk this way? Or is it a sign that Love has decreased, that it has become apathetic and it doesn’t want to risk to suffer for the beloved one?…”.


Angels, dearest male friends and brothers, female friends and sisters, from the banks of innate Light throw me impatient calls of love. I can glimpse you, made of crystal and fire. I would like to adore you, but I cannot. The Truth prohibits me, Love prevents me from doing it.

You are the Alive ones, the Real Alive ones, the Integrals, contemplative and extrovert. Obscure benefactors of human kind, you are the Silent Ones.


The believer has to believe in his visions and ecstasies. The poet, though feeling them, mustn’t believe them, otherwise he would be overcome by foolishness. For the believer it is only a matter of Truth, blooming, florid luxuriant invasive.


If the founder of the Legionaries of Christ had not been uncovered, he would have been beatified  canonized and signed by the miracle. Shouting “Saint now”.


He was one of Pope John Paul II’s friends, political rogue, hearts expert.


How many Gifts but how much pain. I should write instead: how much pain but how many Gifts.


Our essence is faith and love. It is simply necessary to perform and follow it. Believing and loving. Mainly loving. Only loving, for the most of men.


Daniele di Michael says: “the great prince”. The carthusian: “the good prince”.


The small boat intrigued him. He got near the bow and read amazed: Padre Pio II.


The being (that is not God), because object of intelligence, it is the truth; because object of positive will, it is the good.


The not-being, the nothingness of being is God, the source of being.


The nothingness (that is not the nothingness of being) is nothing.


In his heart, at the cognitive roots of the beautiful, the figure of his art teacher of the lyceum stood up, real poet, alien magnificent.


Asses showed up as they were elbows. Sight paroxysm. Summer is here. Comings and goings of demons.


The jungle of the Eros  prevents from watching the Sun.


Demons come into us though the sight, provoking tropical storms in our hearts. Many men look for them in order to clear up boredom.


When the heart looks like a vagina or a phallus, the spirit has a heart attack.

This article is available in Italian too