Thursday 21st January 2010

The extraordinary Gifts of God do not make proud but cause in a special way surprise trepidation humbleness love.



Sunday 17th January 2010. Villanova. Philosophic attack of the demons:


And if only the Nothing existed?

And if God and the demons

Were the 2 icons opposed to the Nothing?


Jesus is the Son worthy of His Father

One is masochist, the other sadist


You have believed uselessly

You have been mocked

By the God of the false promises




God has used sucked fleeced thrown you


We are only the feverish fruit of your I


The accretion of your infantile terrors


We are masks you seriously wear


Open yourself to the Nothing and adore it.


This is it


“Hermaphrodite” because he attends two opposed worlds, earth and afterworld. P.Pio had a special relationship with  Purgatory, the carthusian with the Hell.



Always Sunday 17th January. Villanova. Port. 6,15 pm. Surprised in the car by a slight sleep. He wakes up. Few meters far away a woman, black hair, short, about 45,50 years old.                 With a telescope pointed to the light. The carthusian has all the time to observe her. The figure dissolves. A soul in Purgatory? A terrestrial soul? Anyway someone looking for God. I intensely pray for her.



Wednesday 20th January. Torre Canne. Hopes of summer sun. 12,30.



In every Hell of men and demons

Make me feel



That can glorify You more than any other creature

Angelic and human

Before me and after me

Except the Mother of Jesus

Glory of Your Glory


Make my life

An endless flight

Towards the brothers to help

No limit be my limit



 The self intelligence of God is the Son.



All the creation is kneaded with loving Intelligence, with Son.



The carthusian’s vocation goes from the reformation of the church to the Hell  to rescue in its marginal aspects, preparing, if God wanted it, its eschatological annihilation.



The only spring of the carthusian is Love, his superior nameless Justice.



Before going to bed for the very little night sleep this is the way he prays:



Surround me with Your omnipotence

Fill me with Your Love


Infernal and non infernal emotions would kill the heart attacked more and more times. Without the power of Jesus.



Allegra, the ex-spelled, has found the joy of life and love again. Her mother as a sign of gratefulness tries to offer some money to the carthusian. Who refuses.


This article is available in Italian too