Thursday 28th May 2009

Old notes. 1983

The Holy Spirit distinguishes from the Charity like the tree from the fruit. It is infinitely superior to Charity. As It is, it authenticates Charity but it is not authenticated by it.


Pray the Spirit so it could give us the discernment of the Spirit.


Without the Spirit Charity is loving for the fear not being loved. Without the Spirit Charity is a sublime social life.


Substance of my substance the Holy Spirit.


There is a bilocation-dowry and a bilocation-gift.


Thank and love more in front of Gifts. No aseptic and distant behaviour, inspired to a false humbleness and to a spiritual intellectualism.


There is only one maternity: the one of the Spirit.


Mary is a mother to us in the Only Mother, the Spirit.


Mary affects the influence of Christ.


Mary our Mother = in God our Deifier (thanks to the Holy Spirit that “marries her” that is takes part in Her Person an Her Role). Mary is not a Mother because she intercedes on our behalf with a maternal intercession. Hers is a vital maternity, not only a moral one.


Old notes. 1983,1984

Mary beyond every Mariology, beyond every Marian spirituality.


I must not exploit the Immaculate to my pureness. She is the only pureness.


The Holy Spirit is what the Father feels for His Son.


I want to be thousands Enoch, thousands Elias, thousands Padre Pio because all this is nothing compared to the Holy Spirit.


Holy Spirit, my divine infer-no.


Conversation with his little niece

2nd January 1984. Monopoli

Prophet: who is more beautiful, Martians or men?

Giusy: men.

Prophet: men or Angels?

Giusy: Angels.

Prophet: the Virgin or the Angels?

Giusy: the Virgin.

Prophet: draw the Holy Spirit.

Giusy draws some water vapor (with two eyes) coming out from a bowl.



Old notes. 1984

Holy Spirit, explode in me the way you exploded over the One you resurrected.


The glorious Will of God is my maximum good, because it always wants for me the maximum of the Spirit.


The Risen shows Himself to Mary spiritually. May I become Her, Her receptiveness towards the Risen.


This is about not only the intercession but also the deifying influence, celestial and paradisiacal, of the Virgin.


Baptized in Christ’s death. What a Grace. In me there is nothing vital and alive but the Holy Spirit (believed). This baptism (l have to believe it) preludes to the Glory, the Resurrection.


Betania of the Holy Heart of Giulia street in Rome. Vision. A little baby before me, almost a newborn, fair, blue eyes. I understand he is my soul. He tells me: My name is Sky. A voice (I cannot see the face) asks: What does “Sky” mean? And him: Flying.


Will of God, my Eden. Sweetest good. Blessed the one who finds you, tastes you, listens to you.


27th January 1984. for the first time in my life, after the mass in Michael’s honor, intuition of the Will of God that is God as Will.


Cheerfulness, joviality, sympathy, immediateness are the Gifts that cover the Gift of the gifts: the Holy Spirit and the Passion.


My childhood intuition comes back: to marry Jesus. Jesus-Spirit, my perfect, my wonderful, my dove.


Extreme delicateness  towards Jesus. I learned it by Mary.

“The one who follows my Will is my mother sister brother” and groom.


Jesus I am a radical by nature. Give me the grace of balance and hierarchy.


Jesus, I tend to disorder, after my mother’s death. Harmonize me.


We men are only nothing and prayer.


Very strong push, in crescendo, to identify me with the Holy Spirit, the Gift.


More and more I know men’s selfishness, more and more, through them, mine.


It is diabolic to consider being with the Lord a sort of egoism. Being vertical means being taxed with unconcern for men, with sentimentalism, with femininity, with preciosity, with “putting on airs”.


Jesus’ temptation was to stay with men.


It is refinedly and highly diabolic to get out of the supreme need of human and Christian spirit: to contemplate the Most High.


The Virgin does not give birth to queers (spiritually speaking).


Innocent and mature: here the balance.


Selfishness is mainly towards God. With Him there is no sociality.


We claim that Christ is the Lord, but we are the lords. We claim that Christ is the Master, but we are the masters.


We have to be the voice, He the Word.


It is not about deserving  Grace, but preparing the mood for the Grace. Actively. Attracting It, knowing that it can and has the right not to be attracted. Mainly to be caught.


Ash Wednesday 1984. During the Communion. The man is saved as man believing in the Man, that is not believing in the simple man nor in the simple God, but in Jesus Christ, the synthetic Man (who makes a synthesis with God) and in the synthetic God (the God who makes a synthesis with the man).


Good Friday 1984. I ask the Lord during the Communion to be free: from every human, thingy ecclesial angelic creature to be unconditionally open to the Holy Spirit. The Lord wants it for every Christian. He wants it particularly for me who was consecrated by Him as a prophet.


Prophet = Gospel. I have to be ready to refuse, remaining into the Church, the church itself for the Holy Spirit and the Gospel sake. For the Church sake.


I get more and more aware of my being first Prophecy, then Passion and Charismas in the Christ’s Plan.


The more I will be prophet, the more I will be charismatic.


Passion and Charismas = 2 main ways for the Holy Spirit of being inside of me to let me be authentic prophet.


Because my word might be different also my body has to be different.


Villelma of Genzano, wild and spiritual: “How painful it is to receive and have the Holy Spirit. The whole nature suffers from it”. “I was watching you as an eagle, and followed you as a chick”. “I saw your heart swollen and enlarged and a host in the middle of it”. He told about himself: “How many humiliations in my life. My heart was always about to blow”.


For one hour under the influence of Satan. I was tempted to adore him, to absorb his thoughts, to draw myself to the most crazy sexual adventures. I was tempted to curse God as the Crucifier, Beast, Enemy of men. Slowly the Virgin prevailed.


Aphorisms of M.Q.


Truth is an expensive Charity.


God’s Will before any obedience.


The Gifts of God arrive unexpected.


God will enlighten you every time about what you have to say or do.


Before the malfunctions and the deformities of the system, “it is better to explode for Love than being silent for the fear of suffering or make others suffer”.


May simpleness of the people from Naples help you to be simple with the Gifts(before leaving Naples).


About the prophecy of Armando Ricca (“I gave you the Key of My kingdom”) “The Key is the Power of God”.


Apostles performed miracles to confirm the Gospel. So do you. Yours is a wonderful vocation.


You will not look for the souls. They will come to you.


You will see the sins in the hearts.


For the worship nuns prefer single rooms with bathroom. They want comfort. They look for their kingdom. Not the Kingdom.


If you do not talk you will be guilty.


You have to obey the bishops but not disobey the Gospel.


Poverty must be neither untidy nor dirty.


Personal notes of 1984


Authority is not the expression of God’s Will, but it is subjected to God’s Will.


Authority is wanted by God, but is what Authority wants, time by time, wanted by God? Ecclesial authority has to pray to know God’s Will.


Thoughtful enthusiasm.


Sanctified mainly through Faith, more than through its ethical consequences.


The more pure I am the more virile I am.


The more pure I am the more Wisdom lives in me.


I always have to defend my dignity and others’ dignity. I am responsible of it in front of God.


God forces me to count only on Him, not on His Gifts.


The only bed and bank of my Liberty, the Gospel.


Always the good sense but for Faith, Hope, Charity, but for the Gospel.


No authority can dispense me from the Gospel.



Thursday 28 May 2009. while half asleep, only in my right ear, not on the pillow, I heard people rioting.


Forced by the Spirit, he prayed: Christ glorify Your servant, so You can be glorified. In reply an abundant flood of blood behind his stigmatized forehead.


Who is the prophet from Monopoli? Hyper-simplifying. A stigmatized man who struggles in favor of euthanasia.


He asked the Lord to be forgiven because his heart was stupid and foolish many times.


Faith of the carthusian: believing that institutions (all, not only ecclesial) can become prophetic.


Inspiration is not always simply enrapturing and expanding. It can pour with quiet calmness or lava power. Inspiration is usually noticed later. Through oneself or the others.


Tuesday 26th July 2005. heart attack. Worsened by the distance incompetence misunderstandings delays. He got saved thanks to an unusual heat.


The angle from Betania of the Holy Heart of Vische (Turin), nun Ignazia Maria, now in Heaven, asked for his advice: I like to embroider vey much (she was a lovely embroiderer). I am afraid of stealing affection from Jesus.

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