Thursday 3rd December 2009


It is sad sad sad for us

Shit shit shit!

They cruelly reproduce the voice of his grandson in hell with his mother, in their desires:

Mom, I’m scared

Parody the request of Jesus on the cross:

I am thirsty

Thirst for souls, thirst for salvific self-communication.

Adore Mary
hate Maria
Adore Mary
hate Maria
Adore Mary
hate Maria ….

To the Certosino:

You are lost
“” …

You’re a monster

The Certosino is a monster because he believes and loves. They hate his altruism and his generosity.

Blessing Jesus Eucharist:


They reproach to the Certosino the use of the nocino for digestive reasons:


They accuse the Certosino because he has calmed a woman distressed by self-immolation.

False prophet

They chant in chorus:

Fight against the Council

Attentive to the hope of the Carthusian:


Betrayed by Christ.

They beg him:

Come back
and we will leave you alone




The Carthusian is a murderer because he takes away from the demons energy, food, food, life: human souls, a very desired territory of their spiritual power.

Some dead friends and acquaintances, some priests and Jesuits no longer alive, call the Carthusian from hell. They call it differently, according to their ecclesial status (lay, priests, religious):

Franco, d.Franco, p.Ratti

Jesus forces the demons to the outing. They love invisibility more than themselves. To the Certosino they continue to shout:


Wednesday 2 December. 5.10 hours. In the brain noise of a scooter launched at high speed. For a quarter of an hour.

They groan: Eternally. They are tortured in spirit and soul. It is the so-called fire, for the moment only of a mental and psychic nature.

They never curse Satan, only God.

Wednesday 2 December. In the morning he asks for a sign of affection for his Guardian Angel (Lucio-Lucia). Late in the evening, entering in the dark in the bedroom, a sphere of light on his heart.

Wednesday 2 December. Villanova. Port. Rainy cloudy bright day. Hours 13.

you have passed historically and existentially
from Moses to Christ
operating an incredible and painful exodus of Faith.
Give me to participate.
From your world of light intact
pours on us and on me
the intelligent and diffused candor of the most loving Faith.


This article is available in Italian too