Thursday 6th December 2007

We are sons of God waiting for the Son and thanks to the Son.


The body is the cloud surrounding the spirit.


The church is interested to the woman because she gives birth to the male.


The real sacrament for church unconscious is the Order, because it is male, while Baptism is a grey sacrament because it is destined to women as well.


He had breathed the homophyl unconscious of church. God set him free through the gift of female friendships (forbidden by the spiritualistic clerical ascetic).


If he had been gay deep down, God would have helped him to live himself in peace and authenticity.


The Spirit introduced him into clairvoyance (into non-essential) after radicating him in the Unique.


He lived his Gifts  as gifts, nothing more nothing less. He was madly clung to Him.


He would have died several due to the terrible infernal visits. But God’s power turned out to be more evident in the case of a serious heart attack patient.


Our eternity stands in “seeing” God advancing to a deeper and deeper vision. Seeing God, wishing to see Him more and more, seeing God by seeing Him more and more. This shooting desire, never satisfied, always realized and revived, this is the “sky”.


Better: seeing and becoming Him.


He, the non-violent par excellence, was born without tearing up his mother’s hymen, without causing any pain, without causing any bleeding.

This article is available in Italian too