Tuesday 16th December 2008

Himmer, bishop of Tournai: “Primus locus in ecclesia pauperibus reservandus est” (the first place in the church has to be reserved to those who are poor).





Bonhoeffer: “Weapons kill even if they are not used”.




Fooleries in Medjugorje



The Gospa to the seers: “Some days ago you were very close to the destruction of the earth. I saved you just in time”.





Vicka: “(In Heaven) We have seen people who were neither fat nor thin, but all the same and they were dressed in three colors: gray, yellow and red”.





Mirjana: “(In Heaven) They are dressed like people at the time of Christ on earth”.





Mirjana: “The Virgin told me that God and the devil were talking about…”.





Vicka: “(You get into Heaven through a wooden door) It was closed but the Virgin opened it and we got into. On the right side of the door there was St Peter…With a key, quite short, with the beard, a bit fat, with hair”.





Unanimous testimony of the seers: the Gospa is annoyed by the crowd because they trample on her veil.





About 40 thousand apparitions.

This article is available in Italian too