Wednesday 20th June 2007

We are not admitted to God’s presence, we are in God’s presence.

The neopentecostals are ingenuous Manichean. They contrast the church and the world as the absolute good and evil.

At the end only the quality of affection is important: Esdra Pound.

It is remarkable the theoretical distinction of the Spanish metaphysic Xavier Zubiri (1898-1983) between personeità (being a person) and personality. The first is, the second happens and realizes itself.

Spirit is the matter principle, the simplest root of the matter complexity.

Beyond the extreme shores of sensibility and reason, beyond their gaps, the theoretical flower of «sentient intelligence» shines.

1224 (15th August – 29th September). During the Lent of Saint Michael, at the Verna, probably on the 14th or 15th September, Francis has the vision of the crucified Seraphin and receives the Passion Stigmata.

Trinitarian Communion has a wondrous application range: from the conciliar dialogue to scientific interdisciplinarity.

Without any communion there is no salvation. Love is the communion root, not tolerance, neither pure justice.

Theologians, philosophers, jurists, scientists together have to get over the standing theoretical-practical challenges. For the Christian God is at stake, the Multiple and Unitarian God of Jesus Christ.

Polytheism is the far and feeble image of Divine Trinity.

Polytheism is, in a way, the human inability to express the overwhelming internal richness of God.

God reflects and loves himself in the polytheism, with a smiling irony.

We have to be modern, postmodern, post postmodern, more and more brothers to other men. The secret of it is in being ultra-modern, being stuck to Eternal present in every modernity.

This article is available in Italian too