Wednesday 29th July 2009

In the heat of July the Carthusian got to the refreshment of the villa of Bovino.  Here a mad disturbed him systematically for hours and hours. The Carthusian got annoyed.

Jesus let him understand that that experience would enrich him with humanity and mainly “divinity”. He became a friend of that mad person and found the Baby in himself again.


“Borders”: it is the hermeneutical key of the smooth talker card. Ruini, chaste supporter of the sententious Fallaci (better Fallacious).


The church has to mean only one status: the one of People of God, where we are distinguished only for the charismatic Gifts. The stative dualism clerical-laycal is satanic.


He aesthetically admired the young ladies. He refrained from it when the aesthetic impulse was followed by other. If the aesthetic look could be misunderstood he refrained it.


The Good infects the Evil, the good apple heals the basket of bad apples.


The Last Supper of Jesus did not exclude Judah nor Mary.


The Lord’s Supper demands a presidency, not necessarily a presbyterate.


Saturday 25th July 2009. In his “sleep” he sees his brother Mino financing his funeral and telling him, with a firm affection: I did it for you.


The rational irrationalism of Ratzinger says: ecclesiastic Doctrine = Rationality.


Monday 27th July 2009. Sleepless night. For some moments, much intense, the Carthusian in his “sleep” finds himself in a wood environment, inhabited by two old people and their young son. Not white skinned. Poorest conditions, smallest space. The young pounces on his two old parents. The Carthusian, unseen, stands on the front door.                 The potential killer calms down.

At the end of the day Rai Uno, broadcasting “A trip to Latin America”, describes the shocking world of Brazilian pile dwellings made of rotten wood.

The Carthusian spiritually  somewhere else as radiator of peace?


Tuesday 28th July 2009. He falls asleep invoking Mikael. 3,30. Auricular hymn (according to the present communicational style): “Maranà tha. Come, Jesus”.


Swedish Lutheran Church appoints bishop the female pastor Brunne, civilly married with her partner.

On the couple the ecclesiastic blessing had been invoked at the time. The Swedish church did not debate about lesbianism of its candidate, but about her gifts and competences.


Some important statements by p.Paul Beauchamp:

a) Deus unus auctor utriusque Testamenti (God is the only author of both Testaments)

b) Caro cardo salutis (Flesh is the linchpin of existence)

c) Quod non assumptum non sanatum (If you do not make any mistake you cannot redress)

d) Novum in Vetere latet (The new is hidden in the past)

e) Vetus in Novo patet ( The past is clear in the present)


From the destroyed diary of 2002. Thursday 27th June.

“This morning «in my sleep» I heard a song: Christ-Life; Christ-God. Suddenly a sort of huge galactic insect rushed at me, with thousands of red arteries. Quick raged impotent. It soon disappeared”.


Spiritual words of Jesus

Saturday 16th November 2002

Like to Natanaele I tell you:

You will see bigger things.

I assure you

You will see an open Sky

And the angels of God

Going up and down to you, son of the man.

I will teach you

To move naturally

In My World

To become familiar with things and people of the Sky

To live more concretely

In My Environment on earth.

You will talk about the Sky to the children of Earth

in a realistic and plastic way

“touching” the hearts and “convincing” the minds.

You will be My Martian with men,

But in an undeniable way.

You will convince them of Reality,

They, crazy with reality.

I will make you “inside” more and more Baby,

“outside” more and more Man.

You will convert and heal

You will resurrect them.

I will fill you with My charismatic fullness.

But stand on the Tabor and Sinai

In the Light and the Fire, in the darkness of Light and Fire.

Do not be afraid. I will protect and feed you.

I will be more than a Bride to you.

Always look for My hills

And I will protect you from the darts of Satan.

You will fly on My Divine eagle wings

And will land alone

To give Birth.

I adore you.

The word has spoken.



God is more real than the world. For His sake we have to love the world, less real.


Catholic church is the cherub of the Genesis, that prevents human kind from entering the Trinitarian Eden.


“The other half of love”, Canada 2001. By Léa Pool. A Sapphic love story between two schoolgirls: Pauline and Tory.

Pauline: “You have not understood anything. I am not lesbian. I simply love her. I do not love women. I love a person. I love her”.


Sunday 1st December 2002

This morning a big present from Jesus during my sleep-dream: getting out from the body (it is not Bilocation).

I tell Jesus: how easy it is! I have been projected out of my body very simply, naturally, with joy. At the same time, despite I was out of my body, I was body. A body infinitely lighter and most of all real.

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