Wednesday 5th September 2007

Glory to You, Father, in the Spirit. Glory to You, Son, in the Spirit. Glory to You, Spirit, in the Spirit. Joy to You, Mary, in the Spirit.

Pedophilia is not the worst sexual sin. It is beaten by zoophilia (spread but not declared) and by necrophilia.

Dead babies hare matured by God’s maturing Maturity, they become capable, in God, of love and care towards the so called alive.
They compete in Love with angels.

Why is Life reached through the half-life of life? What a mystery, how many mysteries.

If we cannot save the others, we should at least help them.

We are fragile, this is why we always have to watch over ourselves.

The portrait title was “Priority”. A boy observing the ocean.

Glory over glory to You, Father. Glory over glory to You, Son. Glory over glory to You, Spirit. Joy over Joy to You, Mother of God.

How many are safe? We cannot literally interpret Jesus’ words, often provoking. It is important only to know that salvation is for “every one” and not for “many”, as the stingy Ratzinger mis-thinks.

He had speculated on angels, that fills diaphanies of Mary. He went out in the starry night. Balls of light shot on his sides. Escaping every direct glance. Angels. Jealous of their identity?

The 40’s. He sees himself as a young boy, with his father. Visiting a “male adulterous”, seriously ill. He probes into the female ”adulterous”.
He does not feel the stigma of the sin. He is amazed by the two “adulterous” humanity and pureness. He is amazed mainly by interior inconsistency of Prejudice.

He saw his little female cousin naked. His first nudity.
He was surprised and admired by. Adults’ malice was an enigma to the little prophet’s eyes.

Years ago, watching the then well-matching couple of Romina and Al Bano on tv, with quiet certainty he foresaw the end of it to his friends.

“If God is the Other, other is music, others the signs, other the words, other the way to find each other”: Enzo Bianchi on the meeting in Loreto.

This article is available in Italian too