Eutanasia 2

Reported by The Daily

    “La Stampa” of 5 February 2001

    (taken up again on “La Stampa” of 8 February 2001)

    The newspaper “La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno” of 29 January 2001

    The “Il Messaggero” newspaper of March 21st 2001

    The “Liberation” newspaper of 5 February 2001

    The weekly “La Rinascita” of 9 February 2001

    “L’Espresso online” of January 30th 2001

    The weekly “Adista” of 17 February 2001

    The magazine “PortaNuova” n.56 – March 2001

    The “Il Sannio” newspaper of 6 February 2001

    The “Ottopagine” newspaper of 8 February 2001

    The “Corriere dell’Irpinia” newspaper of 8 February 2001 The newspaper “Il Giornale di Avellino” of 6 February 2001

    “Prima TV” of February 5th 2001(replied on February 8th 2001)

    “Telenostra” of 8 February 2001

Monopoli, 23rd January, 2001


To the general lawfulness of euthanasia three matters are linked:

a) theological: God is Love
b) christological: Jesus Christ, in the Gospels, is the Healer and, for this reason, He is the antagonist of suffering.
c) anthropological: life is not only a gift but also responsibility and duty. Mainly in its last hour.
Moreover, within the same matter, we must notice that, by reason, life is a Gift only if it is life. In a Human sense, not in a banal, biological sense.
Finally, from the point of view of the anthropology of faith, in the case of a true believer, euthanasia speeds up the final Reunion and Embrace.

Priest Dr. Franco Ratti
Founder of the MO.CO.VA.
(Movement Second Vatican Council)

This article is available in Italian too