Friday 12th May 2006

Paul Berman in “Sixty-eight, the double utopia’s generation” defies 1968 “a ultra-democratic and ultra-libertarian generational revolt against the fascist traces of western society”.


Christ rescues us from Satan, not from the anger of God. Anger from which God is alien.


Christ is Spirit, because existential and being Energy.


The mission of a Christian is to rescue human kind from Satan in Jesus and with Jesus, but mainly to divinize it: to open it to not-created Love, God, and to created Love, His grace.


The stigmatized one incarnates and iconifies the Crucified, that is the much historical and extremist love of God.


Stigmata without the Fire of the agape are paint.


Lord, turn me in You Crucified. Extreme prayer, crazy, as a pure Pentecost.


Mystics is dangerous. It has to be managed by the believing reason.


Lord, save me from the non-faith and non-love.


Lord, save me from the non-reason.

This article is available in Italian too