Friday 18th September 2009


Wednesday 16th September 2009

a) Almost night choirs of Angels: Ave Maria, Alleluja.

b) 4,35 a.m.. Next to me, in my bed, on the right a naked and horned man. Earthy, a shaved head, a mocking and sneering smile. I can see his phallus.
I explode: “I will destroy you in the name of the Lord”. Shouting at him: “Rotten”. It disappears.

c) A joyful angelic chime like an Easter one, follows.

d) “Tantum ergo Sacramentum” sung by presbyters, male and female religious person, who are praying


Observations. Earthy (it is the god of the Earth, the prince of this world). Shaved head        (it is the Devastator). Its non verbal message is: I won’t release you. I will be your partner. I will flagellate you anyhow, even sexually (bed, phallus).

Easter chime of Angels. Deep message: you will defeat Satan.

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