Friday 1st May 2009

He got into the consecratory words of Jesus over him in 1977, stronger and stronger.
“I consecrate you prophet and antagonist of Satan”. “antagonist” in triple sense:
a) Through the reforming-progressive prophecy.
b) Through the participation in the Passion of Christ, bringing the eternal salvation to many “souls” .
c) Through the strong fight against the possible personal sin, intellectual and moral.

“I consecrate you” that is I take you away from yourself, from the institution, the social life, and I take you to Me, from your roots, with all your being.

“I consecrate you prophet and antagonist of Satan”: words able to storically realize their content. Theo-power words, like the “words” of the Creation and the Eucharistic words of the Last Supper.

He understood that he did not have to bear and suffer the Passion but he had to want It, not only as God’s Will, but also as a most affectionate gift of Love.

Not only the physical world, but also the human history is filled with demons, with “gods”, Paul would say.

The existence of Satan is not only metaphysical but lively, actively, richly historical. Every man’s life, like Jesus’ life, always under the direction of God, is chased by the Spirit, besieged by Satan, visited by the angels, disturbed by the demons. The believers have lost such a vivid and live awareness.

Faith must be integral: from the Trinity to the divinity of Jesus, from the angels to the Hell. A visionary experience only for some, those who have the historical task to witness, by stimulating and reviving.

In the temptations of the faith, due to his philosophical sensibility and in particular exegetic, his Eucharistic experience in 1977, personal terrible alien superhuman supersocial shaking, portending death without dying, wondrous, unconceived and unconceivable, which gets over the power of all the biblical and ecclesiastical Christ apparitions, the absolute reference remains, unmoved and impassive, of the mind and the heart. No other man, after Maria of Nazareth and Paolo from Tarso, has ever know and will know this Niagara of Life. Visions, ecstasy, celestial visits, miracles, prodigies, prophesies of prophets about him, everything dries and evaporates, like in the hot Australian desert, before such a Power.
From that cosmic point a process of explication and refining of the Self was started, of sapiential mentalization, mainly a process of fusion with Christ, and at the end of his life, with the Crucified Christ. This ontological enthusiasm linked him congenially to Paul.

Christ through Paul has ferried Hebraism towards the Gentile, through the prophet He will ferry catholic church towards the last modernity and future. Through two Hebrews.

This article is available in Italian too