Friday 1st September 2006

I, the Father and the Spirit are one.

The meat, that is, the sensitivity, of no avail. It counts only the spirit that is love.

Mother of God, intercede for us with the One, which is the same and you Intercession is intercessor.

His chief of child in his mother’s lap, in the dark room of the balcony bathed in moonlight. Gemmava the future contemplative.

One God, one bishop, the one in Rome. Paradoxical, but has run occurred.
The church believes in Satan only officially. In fact, his political structures are anti-Trinitarian.

Ecclesiastical structures must embody the same structure Trinitarian: friendship and fraternity intradivine.

We must globalize the Trinity at all levels and in all spheres.

Democracy, in its ideals instances, reflected pale lunescente sun Trinitario.

Without the Trinity Jesus Christ it is incomprehensible.

This article is available in Italian too