Monday 12th January 2009

In the Arabian-Israeli conflict most of responsibility is Israel’s.


Hamas: a legitimate nationalist movement. It is necessary to negotiate.


The only argument for the existence of Israel is the existence itself, despite the violent territorial theft perpetrated by Zionist terrorism.


Giorgio Bocca: “…If life is sacred and nobody is allowed to suppress it, the why do all the countries in the world set up armies to fight and army chaplains, that is priests, to bless the dying? And why, for years and centuries in the most civilized societies, did the leading class tell its subjects that it was good and worth to die for their country? Why was this unacceptable sacrifice imposed so to make it seem as deserving to the chosen victims?… Governors, bishops, wise men say that life is sacred. Then certainly it is, but why is this sacred life risked even for reasons that are not sacred at all, like a dangerous job, a sportive record? If life is sacred, then why do racing cars builders project such ungovernable cars and employers shed crocodile tears after letting their workers die in jobs that are unsurprisingly lethal?…”


The Clown of cannot optimistay anymore.


About external visions. You see realistically but you do not know to have a vision in progress. You understand it as soon as it fades away. Infact it only lasts some moments. It does not let you to possess it. Visional moments, no delay. Like when Jesus “…coming out of water, saw the skies tearing up and the Spirit descending towards him as a dove.”. (Mc 1,10)


The real prophet does not flatter himself for the realization of his prophecy but is simply touched and grateful for being chosen as an effective and living tool of the Word.


Bilocation, according to the Spirit, fills those who have this gift with eucharistic amazement (thanksgiving). It produces spiritual results mainly in those who bilocate but also in those who are the terminal.


We were baptized in the Spirit, in the total impulse of God towards things and men.


Bilocation cannot be an object of elitist or egoistic complacence but one of gratitude to the Most Generous, to Generosity itself.


Yes, the main result of bilocation is a gratitude-like one. The Spirit does not only love  the essential but also, like in nature, the phenomenon and the phenomena.


Life is not something sacred, inviolable intangible impenetrable, but a good donated to our responsibility from the intimate intelligence of God.

This article is available in Italian too