Monday 14th January 2008

He predicted to the autistic one, who had cheated continuously, for years, the city and his friends about his real identity, the revealing intervention of God, through a car accident, with a victim. Accident due to umpteenth “vagueness”.

A lot of people would have changed their mind about the living myth.


Faith is trust in a God who intervened, is intervening, will intervene.


It is not the right to establish the authenticity of a church. Above all a right that counterfeits history.


The Moravi Brothers are extraordinarily, deliciously evangelical (Sermo montanus).


The authentic Christian mistrust of greatness (power, splendor, money, honors, culture, liturgy, sanctity of some) and of the geographic greatness of a church.

The sequela Christi, institutional: this is the parameter lumen. Otherwise: institutions, evangelical that is fraternal structures.


The Mind asked him: why are you still catholic?

The Soul answered him: First. Because I received faith on the knees of catholic church. Second. Even the future has a sense, despite the livid and dark present and the past. And the future sounds: the catholic church will convert.


Everything in the exterior and interior figure of Ratzinger, is micro, pointing, punctiform:            the short skirt is His peculiar sexual ghost.


Authentic church is not a synonym for majority church. Jesus had always distrusted of macro. He predicted the end of the Temple which competed with the sky with the sun of its marbles and its liturgies.


Catholic church is becoming Rest, but a Rest, that aims to majority in any sense, is Scrap.


Two unique signs of Spirit: Benedetto XVI celebrates the mass in Italian, Tridentine more, under the Judgment. And then he loses, under the eye of those present and the cameras, Peter’s ring.


Children must be educated to mystics, to adoring silence, to tenderness, to mercy, to kindness, to virile solidarity, to horror of blood and violence, to sincerity.

They have to be educated to the essential: God and men (deep message of any true religion). They have to be educated to agapic splendor of sex.

The technique, they are soaked with, without mystics will make them cynical.


Children have to be educated to recognize the pedophile and to love him. Curse on those who instill in their heart not only religious but also ethical hate. They’d better be tied to a millstone and thrown into the sea.


Our civility is the noise incivility.


The great visions (highness, tenderness, God’s power; human kind unity, care of the planet) must be the spice of life and education.


If faith is trust, then faith is hope.


Benedetto XVI has no Utopian vision at all. It is a blind person who leads crowds of blind people.


Without Utopia there is no faith. There is only the sensible and reasonable of Ratzinger.


Very many present Catholics would rather prefer the Temple, would gather around the Pope shouting: Crucifige.

The Pope, other than a poor and antiauthoritarian prophet, fawned by women and followed by wo-men.


Today things are more sophisticated: the Prophet is adored by the Pope, sun and delight of His huge world court, in ecstasy not about the invisible, but the visible, most visible, of liturgies and “queer-processions” of the Saint of saints.

It would be much easier and honest to go back to phallic liturgies of the pagan Rome:         the Object is acclaimed with its real name.


The cross is Rome sword: wake up.


The whole world is the potential political laboratory of Rome.


Smiling, gentle, greedy.


From the Cross Christ has today words of fire. Apocalypse is coming and growing and you, Rome, divine whore, will be stripped down and badmouthed by the Cross prophets, who do not fear neither Pilate nor the Temple but only the Gospel Judgment.

They will be impaled but their dead bodies will light the stars.


Christian ethics is neither weak nor effeminate, as Hitler thought. Christian parents must not educate their children to defend themselves by a more and more cynical and violent world, but to face it, witnessing courageously the strength of their diversity.

Goodness, generosity, altruism must be mixed with the energy of faith.

It is not the Perfect family but the glorious Golgotha the faithful substance of our acts and words.

This article is available in Italian too