Monday 16th April 2007

6th December 1273. Mess in the chapel of Saint Nicola in the church of Saint Domenico in Naples. At the end Saint Tommaso d’Aquino decides to cut his Summa. To Reginaldo, his secretary, he says: “Everything I have written seems to be straw, compared to what I have seen and I was revealed”.


Saint Tommaso, the Angelic, forever shocked by God. All of his commitments.


1273. Passion Sunday. Mess in the church of Saint Domenico Maggiore in Naples. Saint Tommaso is in ecstasy, his face filled with teardrops. It is necessary to shake him to let him go on.


It is necessary to canonise him before the wojtylic bender sleeps it off: the roman plan.


There’s smell of sun in the air.


Nowadays theology lacks of teardrops.


Ethical hierarchy of Jesus, decreasing: love of God, love of the others, love of one self. In the third position love of one self. It is the same for the institutions.


“Lights shine in the darkness” (Gv 1,5) and includes them.


Jesus Resurrected hugs  Magdalena.


The  “natural right”, false philosopher, hocus pocus, joke. Come add what you want. The toilet of the reason. Pardon, the toilet of Wojtyla.


Christ swings from impotency (cross) and power (resurrection). Between a chosen impotency and essential omnipotence.

This article is available in Italian too