Monday 20th December 2010

Demons rage:

They caught you

You are ill

They crucified you

You are a mangoose

You are a marmot

You are a rascal

You are a crucified

Crucified by the church

You are the exorcism of the church

You are a dead for the church

You are a leprous for the church

You are a load for the church

You are a slut

You are a jerk

You are a presumptuous dead

We will win if we get along

Maxi pain

You connive

You amaze us


You have come to the end

It is sad

It is very sad

War already begins

War has already begun

Jesus Christ id dead and not resurrected

You are a bard of justice

You are alive and dead

You are shelled and right

You are a stupid

You are a stupid crucified



“they caught you” in ambiguous sense. The Three Divine People caught you or the roman tops punished you. “Mangoose”: carnivorous, snakes hunter. The prophet is the terminator of demons. “Marmot”: rodent that hibernates in winter. Figuratively a stupid person, lethargic. “Maxi pain”: from the demons and the church. “It is sad”, “It is very sad”: sadness as a constitutive figure of infernal condition. “You are a bard of justice”. Justice in a salvation sense. “Tree-leaves”: the prophet is vivisected by Rome. “Tree” that is the substance of his saying. “Leaves”: every element of the prophet’s life and message.



4 royal sheep tracks


the 4 metaphysic keys

1. the Invisible or Implicit


wider and more radical than the Visible or Explicit

2. the Invisible or the Implicit

is going towards

the Visible or the Explicit

3. God

Is more Omega than Alfa

More Re-creation than Creation

4. Men

Are linked together

Either by God’s Self-revelation

Or by God’s Self-hiding


“ the 4 royal sheep tracks”. The prophets likes the royal sheep track that runs from Anzano  to Sant’Agata di Puglia. Wind swept and touched by the moon, among the corn and the Aeolian angels. “Men are linked…”. God is free before men. Free for their Good, their much mysterious Good. His liberty is the source of their unity. Addendum: ignorance of the third Metaphysical Law forces men to induce resentment or the calumny before God. They slip the deep dynamism of a creation projected to the Lido Omega. Mysterious ocean dazzled earlier by the glory of a still  latent Sun.



A demon sings with a sweet and melancholic voice:

I would like

To sing play dance

I would like

To prevent the Return


“I would like” but I cannot. “To prevent the Return”. The parrusial return of Jesus or the return of the prophet to Abbà.



The demons remember with a sweet voice an old song of the 30s:

At dawn the seaman leaves…

Seaman don’t be late

You cannot love a woman this way…


In short the demons accuse the prophet of betraying them. Like the seaman betrays the women of his numerous harbors.

This article is available in Italian too