Monday 23rd January 2006

The Carthusian with Curate of Ars is forced to admit: Satan is my partner.

“When you were born, I asked the Lord that you became priest. It ‘was the only prayer of my life. “Confided his elderly aunt, cloistered Benedictine, his nephew, fresh priesthood.

“Never say no to Jesus.” He said with infinite authority p.Riccardo Lombardi to the novice in grass.

He hated the fame and the singularity, because as a child his public image was that of an orphan.

The novice found himself in a vision of the seagulls, the harbor of his native city, located on the sea. He stood and floated in an inscription: World Movement.

The cobbler was seen in the sky, but the sky was underneath him while the ground on him.

Sympathetic to Kant and Heidegger admired.

Without his unique experiences the child would become a perfect atheist, because he had known the pain perfect: being orphaned.

He was crazy about Jesus.

The novice puzzled the mystical in tone bright and sweet said: “One day contesterai Peter.”. Another time: “You will venomously of the mystic.”

This article is available in Italian too