Monday 29th March 2010

Thursday 25th March 2010. Annunciation. Morning. Vision: a closed room, dim light, tripod with a basin and a towel. A cell. You are about to be condemned by Rome.  It is the confidential message of Mary  to her prophet. The demons  try to upset him alluding at absurd secular sanctions:




If the vision is Marian it is the results of prayer and immediate enlightenment.



Saturday 27th March. Morning. Vision. His old friend of the seminar, dead, d.Angelo Benedetti, cleans vigorously his parish. The carthusian gives him a certain amount of money. Don Angelo proposes him to join the Jesuits nearby. Sense of the vision:

a) Cleanness= Purgatory b) money= prayer c) Jesuits nearby= Jesus= Paradise.

Deep sense of the vision: d.Angelo is about to go out from the Purgatory but he still needs suffrage. The carthusian focuses that Purgatory does not wear out in a moment but it has its own progress better its crescendo. His friend in committed in the cleaning more vigorously. Significant particular: d.Angelo proposes the carthusian to share the visit to the Jesuits. So he implicitly announces the forthcoming death.



Compare the ecstasies of the blind and blinding foreseers of Medjugorje with those of Edvige Carloni. They have nothing of violent or traumatic. The foreseers are not upset: the Mother of God, according to them, is someone next door, in slippers and pajamas, no make-up, dripping with fondling and hugs, comradely, one of them, a fellow countryman, a relative, a sister. Moan with pleasure: Mary is not the Event.

Only a church bitch can go into raptures in Medjugorje. A church of Mulino Bianco. A church of Berlusca. The church of Nothing.

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