Monday 6th April 2009

The salt of the past has to melt to give flavor to the future. Claudio Baglioni



Bride of the dawn

Overwhelm us with the Sun


Palm Sunday and of Lord’s Passion. 7,20 a.m.. Angels accompany his awakening with an hymn, inside his right ear, according to the liturgical celebration: live the King.

It sounds like a nursery rhyme, sung by improbable Hierosolymitan children for the entrance of Jesus in the City.


The most painful stigmata was the one in his feet. He did everything painfully. Every step was a struggle and virtual cry.


He got more and more physically linked to the Passion. But getting physically linked to the Passion meant, by an intrinsic and mysterious force, getting spiritually linked. He loved by suffering, and by loving suffering, he saw. And by seeing he loved. The brain loved and by loving understood. His being became intimacy.


The visible stigmata could not last longer. They would become a complication. Divine “economy” wanted them immediate and impressing. Seismic.


My, my God, without taking part into Your passion, whether it is conscious or not, the abyss and the hiatus from You is still intact. Compared to this terrible world Your existence is a curse. That becomes believable only if it wet by the tears and the feces of the Crucified


Theologians should carry out only a grain, a single grain of the cosmic Passion of God and His Christ, if they want to be theologians.


You can be wise only knowing, only tasting the venom of Love.


Holy, holy, holy You are, sublime only thanks to the cross and Love. Our knees bent by the stones of history, need to be mended by the wood of that cross, that keeps the woody body of Life and the Living One. Mercy, mercy on us, cloaca of Love, You, that welcome and spoil the sin of the world. Abyss of Life, put in our heart the stigmata of Your Face


S. Pio, in his essence, is as unknown as God. In order to unknow them it is not necessary to be atheist, it is enough to be believers.


To a spiritual child, who wants to know about the pro-con-conciliar crisis of the church.

The “lefebvrians” want the Middle Age for the church, and Ratzinger agrees with them. But Christians nowadays have to love modernity and criticize its controversial and regressive aspects. We have to be mainly evangelical, breathing sobriety modesty simplicity mercy justice love. Without power. The “lefebvrians” and Ratzinger look at the Middle Age because it is the golden age of the worldly power of church. We, modern, conciliar and evangelical, have still to fight harshly because the church might be modern conciliar evangelical. Always remember that Christ was crucified not for His narrow-mindedness but for His open-mindedness.

This article is available in Italian too