Saturday 14th February 2009

John Allen on the American magazine National Catholic Reporter (26/1):

  1. Marcel Lefebvre was in favor of the regime of Vichy and of the National hard right front.
  2. He identified the enemies of faith in the Hebrew, communists and Masons.
  3. The ideas of Williamson were already known.
  4. Williamson ascribes “changes and corruption” in the Catholic Church to the Hebrew.
  5. The Shoah was a myth created because the West “could approve the State of Israel”.


Father, God of Israel. Son, God of Israel. Spirit, God of Israel. Only God of Israel.


The German man has dribbled his anger in front of the sadist infinite eluanic meal interrupted beforehand.


“At home, in our milk and coffee we do not put anything: neither coffee nor milk”: Totò


God, speaking properly, is not Event. Infact He does not come from others or other, but from Himself, remaining in Himself. From His sphere remaining in His sphere. E’ Vento (He is Wind) (from E-vent).


Il Genesi does not talk about nothing, but about the Unshaped. Being rigorous: about the immense, almost Virtual Aristotelian, without the narrowness of Aristotelianism.


Details and shades must not ensnare us.


The Carthusian saw turbulent torrents of eroticism gushing in himself from himself. They were his secret energy but also his virtual perdition. The Carthusian could only be overcome. The Overwhelming one overwhelmed him.


Ratzinger’s Catholics  can be distinguished phonemically: “Murder”, “Bastard”, against Beppino Englaro now under escort. In return the second epithet bounces against the last source.


The last f****** romance: Eluana could give birth.


José Comblin: “…The 16th November 1965, few days before the Council ended, 40 bishops from all over the world gathered in the catacomb of Saint Domitilla in Rome and signed the Pact of the Catacombs. Everyone promised to live poorly, to refuse all the symbols and the privileges of power and to put the poor at the center of their pastoral ministry. It was not a comedy, because they already did it. Among the 40 a lot of Brazilians and Latin-Americans. Later also others of them signed the agreement…”.

This article is available in Italian too