Saturday 16th February 2008

Imposition, in the dream, in the hands of Carlo Ferrari communicated him, for days, a vital joy and lively faith.


Will is necessary, but only the Holy Spirit makes our being an impetus.


There are no coordinates anymore. We got lost. We are lost. Yet we have to respond to this practical nihilism with dialogue, saving the pieces of authenticity,  that float in the Sea of Nothing. Woe betide if with our pessimism and “ratzism” we sink them. We should give an account to God about so much ignorance and mental cruelty.


The real “pro Life” initiative of Giuliano Ferrara has been his warm and burning support to the war against Iraq.


And in the dream, twice consecutively, the dead mons. Guarini, vicar of Ferrari, the grump one with the golden heart, confirms his affection and support to him.


The Carthusian was shocked by so much love: a whale, harpooned and bleeding,          was winched up, while it was holding its baby whale between the baleens. That whale had actually been winched up by its love towards Love.


Spirit in its essence is impetus towards the other and elsewhere. That whale, better that heroic mother, is the highest icon of the spirit. That elevates (its baby whale), by elevating, until the self-martyrdom. “until the end”, as John superbly glosses.


Christ’s cross “flares” in the “mother” scene above.


The novice, who substituted the chaplain in the hospital of Frascati, did not come in, but stayed on the doorstep of the women ward, who had had an abortion. His aspersorium blessed so much pain.


The young priest-prophet filled children and adults with enthusiasm during the Sunday Mass of the children. He transformed the sermon in a dialogue and changed the liturgical books according to the children’s ability of understanding.

That young little priests even read Mickey Mouse to get in touch with a fresh and imaginative language. A boy, more enthusiast than others, at the end of the Mass, descended on the sacristy with a wonderful ice-cream for the prophet only, unaware of his prophetic self.


The muddle-headed ability of Satan is terrible. It is really the God of chaos.


If chaos knew, by some remote chance, chaotic structures, these would be, excellently, Satan and its demons.


And the young prophet-priest gave the cup to the believers. He had explained the sense of that act. He had fought against himself. He let the Spirit win, of which he had preached.   It was the Pentecost day. Those were the roaring years of the Council.


The vicar, mons. Guarini, reproached him, but against himself. His unconscious was opened to the Spirit. They deeply esteemed each other.


“do you love Jesus, do you really love Him?”: asked the young prophet-priest to the children, who confessed for the first time for the first Communion. The news arrived to the parson, a real saint, who had a quiet objection, at the end of the confessions. The answer was a question: can I generate senses of guilt in innocent hearts? The saint did not speak.


The children of Spirit, after the death, cry for the joy, finally free.


In the body condition, spirit is a small stream that flows with difficulty among the stones and the holes of life. Only after death the small river explodes in a river and the river in Niagara.


Is it conceivable a Niagara puddle-size? The hell is this essential suicide.


The Carthusian went on explaining his deep relation, ideal and affective one, with the Society of Jesus, he had known the spiritual evangelical cultural ecclesial sensibility of.

He was still a child of them, mainly about conciliar ideas, that the Society had agreed with in an absolute way, thanks to Pedro Arrupe.


In the Carthusian converged the prophecy of the Crucified (s.Pio) and th eprophecy of the Council (pope John, Pedro Arrupe, Carlo Ferrari).


Otherwise: converged Francesco, Ignazio, pope John. Through this triad Christ rose him, His Gospel and mainly His Spirit.

This article is available in Italian too