Saturday 1st December 2007

Immaculate 2007


Without the Unexpectable there is no true hope.


Two a priori: the Word and the spirit. The Word is made flesh, the spirit is made matter.


Saturday 1st December, at 3,25. He was thrown out of his bed by a physical-non physical sound, a hideous, killing one. His heart, already attacked, managed once again.


Few hours later he decoded that infernal sound, a unique instantaneous eternal sound: do not violate my silence. I reign through silence. I am the non Word. If you persevere in the Word on my non word I will annihilate you.


«Spe Salvi»: confirmed the desertification.


Among Maria of Nazareth’s charismas the glossolalia.


Faith kills Satan.


Eschatological apostasy is, for catholic church, the apostasy from II Vatican Council.


Soul immortality: the truth people have to believe in riskily. But risk, like faith, is nice. Suggestion of Plato’s Fedone.

This article is available in Italian too